by StoneFly Inc | Apr 27, 2017 | Blog
How to choose the right IP Network Video Recorders (NVRs) 27 APRIL, 2017 IP video surveillance camera systems are becoming more dominant in high-quality video image recording. Users have the choice to either use IP cameras with a Video Management Software (VMS) or a...
by StoneFly Inc | Apr 7, 2017 | Blog
Overview of IP video surveillance and Network video Recorders (NVRs) 7 APRIL, 2017 Analog IP camera is essentially a camera that you plug into a wire that goes back to the DVR (Digital Video Recorder), and then the camera constantly sends video back to that DVR. With...
by StoneFly Inc | Mar 20, 2017 | Blog
Everything You Need to Know About Cloud Security 20 MARCH, 2017 Hackers are much like hunters. They are looking for the big target since they want to spend their time on the biggest possible payback and this is where the topic cloud security comes in. Before the...
by StoneFly Inc | Mar 10, 2017 | Blog
What is Metadata? 10 MARCH, 2017 Sometimes in the IT world we have names for features and capabilities that seem to be tailored for a business user’s confusion. One such word is Metadata. However the concept of metadata is actually quite simple. You might have heard...
by StoneFly Inc | Feb 22, 2017 | Blog
Bandwidth & Storage Optimization in IP Video Surveillance Industry 22 FEBRUARY, 2017 The bandwidth challenge is represented over time because it has increased from the early days of video surveillance to current day and into the future. But what we see with our...
by StoneFly Inc | Feb 21, 2017 | Blog
Thermal Imaging & Video Analytics in Security Surveillance Made Simple 21 FEBRUARY, 2017 From the power we use in our companies, to the transportation that moves us and the communication systems we rely on to stay in touch, our modern society depends on security...